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Uninstall Epic Games Launcher - how to do it

The new Epic Games Launcher scores with exclusive titles. Contrast that with Steam's fanbase, which has been built up over many years. In general, it doesn't matter which launcher you start a game with, as it doesn't change the functionality of the game. If you want to uninstall Epic Launcher, you can do so via the program list.

How to uninstall Epic Games Launcher?

The Epic Games Launcher gives you access to the Epic Games Store, among other things. How you uninstall Epic Launcher depends on your operating system.
  1. If you are on a Mac running Mac OSX, simply go to the Finder in the bottom left corner. You can also optionally press "Command + Spacebar".
  2. Now search for "Applications". Normally, the folder is already listed in the left bar.
  3. Look for Epic Games Launcher in the list of applications. Make sure that it is not currently running by Shift + clicking the Epic Games Launcher icon at the bottom of the bar and then go to "Quit immediately".
  4. Now you can Shift + click "Epic Games Launcher" in Programs and click "Add to Trash".
  5. In Windows, use the search bar at the bottom left and type "Programs". Dann gehen Sie auf „Programme hinzufügen oder entfernen“.
  6. Suchen Sie in der Liste von Programmen nach dem Epic Games Launcher und klicken Sie auf die Zeile.
  7. Gehen Sie nun auf „Deinstallieren“ und folgen Sie den Anweisungen.

By Brebner Mcdilda

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