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Honor 20 - how to create a data backup

Creating a backup is necessary to save important data located on the Honor 20. The device, which comes from Huawei, offers you various methods for this. We will give you an overview of how to use them here.

How to create a backup on the Honor 20

Over time of use, a lot of personal data such as photos or videos accumulate on the Honor 20. To protect them from loss or to restore your device in case of problems, it is recommended to regularly create a backup of the files. You can create the backup directly on the device's internal storage without using additional hardware. To do this, open the "Backup" app, go to "Backup" > "Internal Storage" and select the files you want to backup after tapping "Next".

Honor 20: Other backup methods

Alternatively to backing up directly to the device, you can also back up the data using an SD card, USB storage device or computer.
  1. To save a backup to the SD card, first insert it into the device and select it as the storage location under "Backup" > "Back Up" > "Other Method". Then click "Next" to select the files to be backed up
  2. If you would like to use a USB device instead, connect it to the Honor 20 via cable and select the files for backup under "Data backup" > "Back up" > "Other method" > "USB storage".
  3. To create a backup on the PC, install the Huawei app on it before you connect your smartphone to the computer and select the files to be backed up in the application.

By Derward

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