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The Witcher 3: Where cat and wolf play - how to do it

In addition to the main game, you can play several side quests in The Witcher 3. One of these side quests is "Where Cat and Wolf Play", which you can play for free. We'll explain how to find the quest and what exactly awaits you here.

Where Cat and Wolf Play: Darum geht es in der Quest

In The Witcher 3 there is a side quest titled "Where cat and wolf" play. This is free and starts at the bulletin board of the ore village in Velen. There you will find the hint that a monster is roaming the woods and the elder of the village should be consulted for more information. If you want to play the quest, you should already be an experienced witcher and have at least level 25.

The Witcher 3: How to master the "Where cat and wolf play" quest

When you go to the village, you will find there only the dead inhabitants, on which ghouls and Alghule are already gnawing. These you must kill to get more clues in the form of four marked map areas.
  1. Examine the four marked areas and go to the stable, where you will find the village elder.
  2. Exit the stable afterwards and follow the footprints you find next to a doll.
  3. Diese führen Sie zu einem Mädchen, das Sie mit der Puppe überzeugen müssen, Ihnen zu erzählen, was passiert ist.
  4. Das Mädchen gibt Ihnen daraufhin das Medaillon der Katzenschule und Sie müssen den Spuren des Katzen-Hexers folgen.
  5. Haben Sie diesen gefunden, können Sie ihn wahlweise töten oder laufen lassen, um Informationen über seinen versteckten Schatz zu erhalten.

By Sabsay

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