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Horizon: Zero Dawn All trophies - how to achieve them

In the game Horizon: Zero Dawn you are in a post-apocalyptic future. In this world there are many places and enemies to discover. During your journey, you can unlock up to 56 trophies in the base game on the console. For these, however, you will have to complete various tasks in the game.

How to get all trophies in Horizon: Zero Dawn

In the base game Horizon: Zero Dawn you can unlock a total of 56 trophies. Depending on the level of the trophy, you'll have to complete more or less tasks for it. In the achievements, you can achieve 48 bronze, five silver, two gold and one platinum trophy.
  1. The platinum trophy, as in most games, you get only when you have unlocked all other trophies in the game.
  2. If you want to get the silver trophies, you need to bypass all long necks and all cores. In addition, it is necessary to clear all bandit camps and achieve at least a half-sun in all tests in all hunting areas. You will receive the final silver trophy only after completing a new Game Plus on ultra-difficulty.
  3. Completing the new Game Plus on any difficulty level will also earn you a bronze trophy.
  4. Die beiden Gold-Trophäen erhalten Sie, wenn Sie bei allen Prüfungen in allen Jagdgebieten eine Glutsonne erhalten und Sie die Bedrohung durch die alten Kriegsmaschinen beendet haben.
  5. Alle Bronze-Trophäen erreichen Sie, indem Sie diverse Gegenstände im Spiel finden, Gegner besiegt haben oder alte Technologien entdecken.

By Niven Frankie

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