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Samsung Galaxy S5: Take a screenshot - here's how

The Samsung Galaxy S5 offers you two different methods to take a screenshot of the display content. The image is then saved in your smartphone's gallery. We show you how to create a screenshot on the Galaxy S5.

Samsung Galaxy S5: How to create a screenshot

To create a screenshot of the current screen content of your Samsung Galaxy S5, you have two methods to choose from. Use either a key combination or a swipe gesture.
  1. If you want to create the screenshot using a key combination, please press the "power button" and the "home button" of the Samsung Galaxy S5 at the same time.
  2. Hold down the buttons for about two seconds and release them as soon as the display lights up briefly and you hear a click sound.
  3. To take the screenshot via swipe gesture, you must first enable the corresponding function in the settings under "Motion and gestures" > "Capture by swiping".
  4. After that, you can simply swipe the edge of your hand across the screen to take a screenshot.

Save created screenshots on Samsung Galaxy S5

Once you have created a new screenshot on your Samsung Galaxy S5, it will be saved automatically. Um ihn anzusehen, weiter zu bearbeiten oder mit anderen Personen zu teilen, öffnen Sie den Screenshot bitte über die Galerie, indem Sie zum Album „Screenshots“ navigieren.

By Bearce

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