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Hearthstone: Earn gold - with these tips it works

Gold also plays a role in the fantasy card world of Hearthstone. Our guide shows various ways in which you can make your account balance grow faster than average.

Know how: Your gold income in Hearthstone can be optimized specifically.

If you play Hearthstone without background knowledge of the different modes, you will automatically earn some gold. The yield is not very high, but can be optimized.

Hearthstone: With these methods you earn gold

With the following methods you maximize your gold yield:
  • Achievements: For the achievement of each success you get gold, and at least 100 units. For achievements like "With speed 100" (in which you have to win 100 games in any mode), there are even 300 gold.
  • If you play with cheap budget decks, you get 10 gold for three games won. The limit is 100 gold daily. The advantage is that this way of playing is faster.
  • Daily quests will bring you good gold. The amount varies depending on the quest, on average you can count on about 50 to 60 gold.
  • The daily quest "Challenge a friend" is particularly lucrative. Dafür erhalten Sie und Ihr Freund jeweils 80 Gold, ganz unabhängig vom Ausgang des Kampfs.
Davon abgesehen gilt natürlich: Je besser Sie werden, desto mehr Gold verdienen Sie, da Ihre Gewinnquote steigt und Sie viele Aufgaben effizienter erledigen können.

By Ruelu

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