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Ubuntu: Folder cannot be deleted - this helps

If you no longer need a folder created under Ubuntu, you can simply delete it via the terminal. Sometimes, however, there can be problems with this, so that a folder can not be deleted. But what helps now?

This is how folders are deleted under Ubuntu

All folders on an Ubuntu PC are managed via the terminal. This gives you the ability to not only create new folders via terminal command, but also copy them to another directory or delete them from the PC.
  1. To delete a folder on Ubuntu, first open the terminal by pressing the key combination of "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "T". Alternatively, you can also right-click on the desktop to open the terminal via the context menu.
  2. After that, please navigate to the directory where the folder you want to delete is located using the command "cd directory name".
  3. Now you can delete the folder and all the files it contains by entering the command "rm -r folder name".

Ubuntu: This helps if a folder cannot be deleted

If you receive an error message when trying to delete a folder, you may not have permission to delete it. To remove the folder from the PC anyway, enter the command "sudo rm -r /path/file" in the terminal and replace "/path/file" with the name of the path where the folder is stored. If you don't know the path of the folder, please right-click the folder before and go to "Basic" > "Location" to read the saving path.

By Benjy Chaya

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