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Cannot connect to iTunes Store

The iTunes Store offers a wide selection of songs, movies and audiobooks. If you get a message that you can't connect to the iTunes Store when you try to open it on your computer or mobile device, there are several possible solutions.

These are the possible causes if you are unable to connect to the iTunes Store

If a problem occurs when you try to connect to the iTunes Store, you will most often see an error message. Among the most common error messages here is "An unknown error has occurred" or "The iTunes Store is currently unavailable. Try again later." Sometimes, with the message that no connection to the iTunes Store could be established, you will also get a prompt to check your network connection.

Fail to connect to iTunes Store: these approaches

To fix the problem of failed connection to the iTunes Store, there are several approaches you should go through one by one. First of all, check if your iPhone, iPad or computer is properly connected to the Internet.
  1. If it is not due to the Internet connection, check the iOS version or operating system of your device and update it if necessary.
  2. Nutzen Sie iTunes auf dem Mac oder PC, stellen Sie außerdem sicher, dass Sie die aktuellste Version des Programms nutzen.
  3. Probieren Sie zusätzlich, ob sich das Problem beheben lässt, indem Sie Ihr iPhone, iPad oder den Computer neustarten.
  4. Bei der Fehlermeldung, dass der iTunes Store zurzeit nicht verfügbar ist, sind häufig Wartungsarbeiten am Store verantwortlich. Hier hilft es, einige Zeit zu warten, bevor Sie versuchen, den Store zu öffnen.

By Wenz

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