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Cannot connect to this network - tips

If you receive the message that you cannot connect to your Wi-Fi network when you try to access it, this can be due to several reasons. We will show you the most common causes of the error and how to fix them in our article.

These tips will help if you can't connect to the network

If you get a message on your computer that you can't connect to this network, it may be due to several reasons. Therefore, first restart your router to check whether this can solve the problem.
  1. If the cause of the missing WLAN connection is not your router, the firewall may be responsible. Therefore, disable it as a test and then add an exception for the network used in the firewall settings.
  2. A faulty network profile can also lead to a network connection not being possible. To delete the corresponding profile, please open the registry editor as an administrator, navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles" and select the "Delete" option after right-clicking.
  3. If this does not help either, open the Windows Device Manager and check whether the driver of your network is outdated. To do this, navigate to "Network adapters", double-click on the network name and click "Update driver" under Driver.

No connection possible: How to use the network troubleshooter

If you still can not connect to the Wi-Fi network of your router after performing the tips described above, open the network troubleshooter tool built into Windows 10. After that, click "Detect and fix network problems" there first and then click "Next" to launch the program.

By Roderick

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