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Alexa: Funny questions - how the assistant makes you laugh

Assistant systems have programmed answers to nonsensical questions, so they can respond to a fun question with sarcasm and wit. Alexa also has such answers. To help you know which questions to ask, we've summarized the funniest ones here.

What funny questions can you ask Alexa?

After setting up Alexa, she has some answers you won't expect like this. Alexa also has other skills and tricks up its sleeve.
  1. Question "Alexa, how does the cow?" and the assistant will tell you that it doesn't speak animal languages yet.
  2. Another question you can ask is, "Alexa, do you want a beer?" and the device will answer that liquid harms the circuit boards.
  3. If you ask Alexa during a detective story, "Alexa, Who is the murderer?" the prompt answer will come, "The butler did it," or some other witty response.
  4. Please ask the question "Alexa, is there Santa Claus?" Alexa will tell you that she will let you know as soon as you meet him.
  5. Also on the meaning of life Alexa has an answer ready.
  6. With movies Alexa knows very well, also the question "What is the first rule of the fight club" as well as the statement "Alexa, I am Inigo Montoya" lead to the right answer.
  7. Even children's questions Alexa beatwortet gladly with fun. "Alexa, why is the banana crooked?" leads to the answer "Because no one moved into the jungle and bent the banana straight".

By Luana

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