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Windows 10: Updates are not downloaded

Updates on Windows are an important part of using the operating system optimally and without errors. Updates close many current and new security vulnerabilities, allowing you to work more securely on your PC. If Windows does not perform updates automatically, they must be done manually.

Windows 10 updates are not downloaded: How to proceed

Not always the failure to download updates must be related to an error. Sometimes a reboot is also enough to remind the system to check again.
  1. Shut down your computer properly by clicking "Shutdown" from the menu.
  2. After a few moments, restart the computer and log in to the user account. Now wait up to ten minutes to see if Windows notifies you about pending updates.
  3. If it does not, go to the Control Panel by opening the Windows menu and searching for "Control Panel".
  4. Then navigate to "System and Security" and click on "Detect and fix problems".
  5. In the next window, select "Fix Windows Update problems".
  6. Wenn das Problem immer noch besteht, müssen Sie den Updater austricksen.
  7. Navigieren Sie dazu in den Pfad [C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download] und löschen Sie den kompletten Inhalt des Ordners.
  8. Da der Ordner nun leer ist, wird das System auf fehlende Downloads hingewiesen und beginnt erneut damit, Updates aus dem Internet zu beziehen und zu installieren.

By Codie

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