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Excel: SUM-WENN function - how to do it

The spreadsheet program Excel from Microsoft offers various functionalities. Among them is the TOTAL IF function, which allows you to add up numerical values only if they meet a certain condition. To do this, simply enter the function in the cell where you want to see the result.

How to use the SUM IF function

In Excel, there are several functions that help you determine the sum of several numbers. The SUM function alone determines the sum of all numbers in the range you select. With the SUM IF function, you can also specify a criterion that must be met by the number in order for it to be included in the sum. You can call the function itself in a few steps.
  1. Open Excel and create a list of different number values, for example from cell A3 to cell A12 with the numbers 2, 4, 8 ,5 ,7 ,2 ,2 ,1 ,9 ,5 ,2.
  2. Now select an empty cell in which you want to see the result of the SUMWENN function at the end.
  3. Enter "=SUMWENN(A3:A12;">5")" in the cell. Nun werden die obenstehenden Zahlen nur in die Summe gezählt, wenn sie größer als 5 sind.
  4. In diesem Fall wäre das Ergebnis also 8+7+9 = 24, da nur diese drei Zahlen größer als fünf sind.
  5. Die Bedingung kann dabei verschiedene Formen haben. „>ZAHL“, „<ZAHL, “Äpfel“, HEUTE() sind ebenfalls legitime Angaben.

By Fidelio Defusco

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