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Alexa: WhatsApp - how to use the voice assistant

WhatsApp is still one of the most popular instant messengers. Alexa is a voice assistant that often takes the form of a smart speaker in many households. If you would like to control WhatsApp via voice commands, this is not possible directly with Alexa.

Is it possible to control WhatsApp with Alexa?

With the Alexa voice assistant, you can usually access numerous functions of apps on your smartphone. To expand the functions of Alexa, you just need to add more skills via the Alexa app. If you also want to control the instant messenger WhatsApp via voice commands, this is not possible via Alexa. There is currently no Alexa skill that supports this function. However, there is another option.
  1. Some private developers have published a suitable skill for Alexa.
  2. If you want to use this, however, this is only possible in a roundabout way, because the skill is not officially supported by Amazon.
  3. Also note that the use of external skills for the Alexa assistant is always associated with risks.
  4. In addition, the program violates the terms and conditions of WhatsApp. If the use of the external software is noticed, it can happen that your account is blocked indefinitely.
  5. If you still do not want to do without sending messages by voice command, Alexa offers a solution. You can still send appropriate messages to a contact of your choice via the "Push Messages" skill.

By Jurdi Naugher

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