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Mount & Blade 2 - Bannerlord: PS4 and Xbox release planned?

After the Early Access of Mount & Blade 2 - Bannerlord on Steam became a complete success, the interest of other platform owners is now even greater. We explain how it looks with a release for PS4 and Xbox One.

Patience as a virtue: One day Mount & Blade 2 - Bannerlord will also appear for consoles.

Already the first part of Mount & Blade appeared for consoles much later than the PC version. At that time, the gap was a whole eight years. Fans now hope that it will go a little faster with Bannerlord.

Mount & Blade 2 - Bannerlord: PS4 version comes one day

Only the following information is known about the console release:
  • The developer studio TaleWorlds has announced a release for the consoles PS4 and Xbox One some time ago.
  • This was reiterated on the day of the Steam release (March 30, 2020).
  • In the same move, however, TaleWorlds also emphasized that there is no fixed date yet, as the finalization of the PC version enjoys priority.
Console players must therefore still be patient and currently it is not even possible to estimate the period at least rudimentarily. In any case, several months should still go into the country; considering that at the end of the year the next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft will be released, this also brings more variables into the equation.

By Tryck Peevey

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