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Inserting a hyperlink in PowerPoint - how to do it

PowerPoint provides you with numerous functions that you can use to design your presentations. If you share them and want to link to a web page, then inserting a hyperlink is a good idea. So that the link also forwards you, you have different possibilities in PowerPoint.

How to insert a hyperlink in PowerPoint

If you want to link to a website within your PowerPoint presentation, you need a hyperlink. You can insert this differently depending on the operating system you are using.
  1. On Windows and macOS, the procedure is very similar. But also in the browser, under iOS and under Android, the individual options are named the same, so you can quickly find this function in any application.
  2. First select the text or image in your presentation that should contain the link. In doing so, you can also select an inserted shape that will be the hyperlink.
  3. Then click the "Insert" tab at the top of the ribbon. After that, in the new menu, select the "Link" item.
  4. Here, select the "File or Web Page" option. Insert the desired information. Dabei können Sie den Text eingeben, der als Link angezeigt werden soll und eine kurze Information, die angezeigt wird, wenn Sie mit der Maus über den Link gehen. Letzteres ist allerdings eine optionale Angabe. Anschließend geben Sie an, ob der Link zu einer Webseite führen soll und die entsprechende URL.
  5. Bestätigen Sie mit „Ok“, um den Hyperlink zu erstellen.

By Bartram

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