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Let Google read to you: How to do it

You can have Google read various texts to you. This is a great benefit especially for people with dyslexia or limited vision. The options here differ between use on a smartphone and on a PC.

How to have Google read to you: Compter

If you need help reading a text on your PC screen, Google now offers a handy service. You can activate the help to have Google Docs, spreadsheets, presentations and forms read aloud by Google.
  1. First, open "My Account". For this, you need to be logged in to your Google account. To do this, click on the top right of the browser on your profile picture and then on "Manage Google Account".
  2. Then you will find under the menu item "Data & Personalization" the option "Operating aids". This click on.
  3. The corresponding function that allows you to get texts read aloud within your Google browser is called "Screenreader". Turn on the option to have texts read aloud in Google services.
  4. You use the screen reader by clicking on "Tools > Settings to operating aids" in the document.

Options for Android

You can also have texts read aloud by Google on Android. This feature interacts not only with Google Docs, but with the vast majority of text and image elements.
  1. On your Android, open Settings and then Accessibility. If you don't see this option, first download "Android accessibility tools" from the Google Play Store.
  2. Enable "Read aloud".
  3. To use the feature, swipe up and select "Accessibility tools".
  4. Now tap or drag your fingers over a text or image.
  5. Then press the Play icon.

By Hutner Jencks

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