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Pokémon: Let's Go - so you can ride a bike

In Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu, as in the previous games, you sometimes have to travel long distances between cities. Previously, it was always possible to get a bike in the game so you could use it to get around. In Pokémon: Let's Go, however, there is a very unique solution to this problem.

Is it possible to ride a bike in Pokémon: Let's Go?

In Pokémon: Let's Go, as in other parts of the series, you have to cover longer distances. Usually, a bicycle was available to you for this purpose. However, this is no longer possible in the game.
  1. In Pokémon: Let's Go there is no bike that you can use.
  2. To cover the distances, your Pokémon are available to you.
  3. However, riding is only possible with certain Pokémon. These include Aerodactyl, Alpollo, Arkani, Dodri, Dragoran, Gallopa, Garados, Glurak, Klangama, Lapras, Machomei, Onix, Relaxo, Rihorn, Rizeros, Snobilikat, Starmie and Tauros.
  4. In addition, it is possible to move over water with Garados and Lapras. So können Sie Strecken über das Meer zurücklegen.
  5. Um auf einem Pokémon reiten zu können, müssen Sie dieses zunächst aus dem Pokéball lassen, indem Sie die X-Taste drücken.
  6. Im Menü wählen Sie die Option „Team“ und das Pokémon aus. Handelt es sich dabei um ein Pokémon, auf dem Sie reiten können, sitzt Ihr Trainer automatisch auf.

By Richart

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