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Where does the iPad store downloads? An overview

The iPad stores downloads directly in the associated apps or within the downloads folder. Where the content is ultimately stored depends on the type of files and which option you selected when downloading. In most cases, you will find the downloaded file in the "Files" app.

In these folders the iPad stores downloads

Since iOS 11 there is the "Files" app on all iPhones and iPads. This is already pre-installed on the device. This is usually where all the content that you download or save on your device is stored. If the content is photos, however, they are saved in the "Photos" app by default. On the other hand, if you download documents from the Internet, then you will find them in the "Downloads" folder.
  1. If you want to download files via a website or messenger, click on it to get to the preview.
  2. Tap on the icon with the square and the arrow pointing upwards.
  3. Then select the entry "Save to Files".
  4. Now return to the home screen of your iPad and look for the "Files" app. This has a white icon with a blue folder.
  5. Open this you will see various folders. Über die „Suchen“-Funktion ganz oben können Sie direkt nach Inhalten suchen.
  6. Ganz links oben befindet sich zudem der Ordner „Downloads“. Tippen Sie auf diesen, um auf Ihre heruntergeladenen Inhalte zugreifen zu können.

By Clintock

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