HOME > Smartphone > Huawei Mate X: Change The Battery - These Options Are Available

Huawei Mate X: Change the battery - these options are available

The Huawei Mate X is a foldable smartphone that will be marketed in China for the time being, but also worldwide in the future. If you use your smartphone regularly, it might be necessary to replace the battery. Since this is divided into two halves in the Mate X, this is not easily possible.

Is it possible to change the battery of the Huawei Mate X?

The foldable smartphone Mate X from Huawei offers a split battery in addition to numerous innovations. Thus, there is a battery with a capacity of 4,400 milliampere hours on each side of the device. However, the battery's performance can decrease after using the smartphone for a longer time. You will notice this when your device quickly runs out of power and needs to be recharged frequently. In this case, replacing the battery might be necessary. However, this is not easy with the Mate X, as with most new models. For this reason, there are a few points to consider.
  1. Even with expensive smartphones, such as the Mate X, it can be cheaper to replace the battery instead of buying a new device.
  2. Since the front and back of the phone are glued together, you need special tools to open them. Hierbei können unter Umständen Schäden entstehen, weshalb Sie vorsichtig vorgehen müssen.
  3. Neben Werkzeug werden zwei gleichwertige Akkus und ein geeigneter Kleber benötigt.
  4. Besitzen Sie noch Garantie auf das Gerät, sollten Sie von eigenen Reparaturen absehen und prüfen, ob diese übernommen wird. Ansonsten können Sie Ihren Garantieanspruch verlieren.

By Pond

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