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Fortnite: Floating unicorns - all info at a glance

Epic Games regularly supplies its Battle Royale shooter Fortnite with new content and challenges in the form of seasons and various events. As part of the 14-Day Summer Event, players must collect floating unicorns in the game world to unlock a reward in return.

How to find the floating unicorns in Fortnite

To complete the "Find floating unicorns at water holes" challenge, you need to find a total of three unicorns in the Fortnite game world. The unicorns are rubber floating animals with a unicorn look, but they don't float, they swim and can be found in water holes, pools or lakes. There are a total of nine locations where you can find the unicorns.
  • Northeast of Lazy Lagoon in plan square G2
  • In Lazy Lagoon in plan square F3
  • In Loot Lake, which you can find in the plan square E4
  • In the town of Neo Tilted in the plan square D5
  • In the Dusty Divot in the plan square F5
  • In the Lonely Lodge in the plan square J4
  • In the Fatal Fields in grid square G9
  • In the southwest of Paradise Palms in grid square H9
  • In Paradise Palms in grid square I8
Having found the three required unicorns, you will receive the "Neon Tropes" paint job as a reward. Unlike other challenges, you don't have to find the unicorns in one round of play, but can collect the rubber animals at your leisure over several rounds. Beachten Sie allerdings, dass das 14-Tage-Sommer-Event vorbei ist und Sie die mit dem Event verbundenen Herausforderungen nicht mehr abschließen können.

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