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Finding Stardew Valley Clay - how to track it down

Clay is an important material in the Stardew Valley game. You can use Clay to make high quality fertilizer starting at farming level seven, or a Gardening Pot to grow any plant all year round. To track down Clay, you'll need some skill.

Where exactly is Clay located in Stardew Valley?

In Stardew Valley, Clay can be found in four different locations.
  1. When you dig up your fields, you will find Clay in some places. It is best to use the rake and dig in soil or in sand. With a little luck, you will find the clay you need.
  2. Artifact stashes can also contain clay. Artifact stashes are marked with three small worms peeking out of the ground. Dig exactly at this point, you will get an artifact, clay or other rare drops.
  3. Clay can also be found in geodes. You can usually find these in the mine. Have the geodes broken open by the blacksmith. Der Inhalt ist selten, manchmal kommt auch Clay zum Vorschein.
  4. Auf dem Fest des Wintersterns können Sie Clay auch von Jas oder Vincent erhalten.
Mit Clay bauen Sie Silos, in denen dann Heu gelagert werden kann. Im Winter können Ihre Tiere draußen nichts essen und müssen im Stall bleiben, da es zu kalt ist.

By Delmar Dubay

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