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Mobile phone gets hot - these are the reasons

If your cell phone gets too hot, it can cause damage to the technology inside the device. In the long run, your smartphone may stop working. To prevent this from happening, it's important to find out why your device is getting too hot. Take the right measures.

How to find out why your cell phone gets too hot

Too high temperatures can harm your cell phone in the long run. If the technology is damaged, the device will stop working. To prevent this, it is necessary to find out the cause of the heat and take measures against it.If your phone gets hot while charging, this is usually not a problem. Be sure to use the included charger and the original battery for charging.
  1. When charging, make sure your phone is in a cooler place and not directly in the sun.
  2. Another reason for excessive heat can be too many active background applications. Therefore, completely quit applications that you do not need. Also, restart your device at regular intervals to close all applications.
  3. Make sure, especially in the summer, that you do not leave your phone in the car, because very high temperatures quickly arise there.
  4. You can also turn down the display brightness - as an immediate measure against the warm device.
  5. Schalten Sie zusätzlich nicht benötigte Funktionen, wie WLAN, GPS oder Bluetooth aus.

Handy wird heiß: Weitere Tipps

Auch Kompatibilitätsprobleme zwischen den installierten Apps und dem Betriebssystem oder veraltete Software können dazu führen, dass Ihr Handy heiß wird. Um dies zu verhindern, ist es daher notwendig, regelmäßig Updates durchzuführen.

By Loise Filak

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