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How to delete SCHUFA records? Find out here

Negative SCHUFA entries can mean that you are not allowed to get credit or pay on account or in installments. However, entries in the SCHUFA report are often incorrect or outdated and can be deleted. Read here in which cases the deletion is possible.

How you can delete SCHUFA entries

In SCHUFA, data is stored that provides information about your creditworthiness. If you have negative entries here, this affects whether you can get a loan, conclude a cell phone contract or find a new apartment. It therefore makes sense to regularly check whether the information in your SCHUFA report is correct and, if necessary, to request its deletion. Before you can request the deletion of your SCHUFA entries, please first request a free SCHUFA report by mail. Once you have received this, please check the entries contained carefully and request SCHUFA in writing to delete or correct the entries.

Delete SCHUFA entries: These rules apply

Whether the deletion of your SCHUFA entries is possible depends on the respective type of entry. If it is false entries, such as false claims or old accounts and addresses, you can request immediate deletion.
  1. If there are entries in your SCHUFA information on minor debts up to 2,000 euros, an immediate deletion can be made if they have been paid within six weeks of the entry.
  2. If it is, however, titled debts, a deletion can only be made if the debt is settled, the district court confirms this and the creditor agrees.
  3. Data of the SCHUFA information related to insolvency proceedings can not be deleted prematurely. The deletion takes place here in accordance with the legal obligations.

By Noak Zemaitis

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