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Sky youth protection pin forgotten - what to do?

Protecting children and young people from content they should not see is an important concern for many parents. For this reason, Sky offers a youth protection PIN that must be entered for content that is not restricted to young people. But what to do if you forget your parental control PIN?

Where can you find your PIN if you have forgotten it?

Youth Protection PIN is printed on the documents sent to you by Sky. You have the option by phone or via the contact form to ask for the PIN or to have a new one set up.

Manage youth protection PIN in the browser or in the app

In the meantime, however, there are much faster ways. So you have both in the browser and in the My Sky app the option to reset a forgotten parental control PIN.
  • Call this Sky website. Fill out the form. The data is required to identify you and ensure that none of your children want to reset the PIN either. After you click "Next", you can restore the parental control PIN or set a new code.
  • Alternatively, open the My Sky app and go to "My Account". Here you will find "PIN settings" or directly "Change parental control PIN", depending on the version of the app. Legen Sie eine neue PIN fest.
  • Übrigens können Sie in beiden Menüs auch die Jugendschutz-PIN und die Sky-PIN gleichsetzen, damit Sie sich nicht zwei Nummern merken müssen. Die Sky-PIN sperrt keine Inhalte mit FSK, sondern dient dazu, Sie identifizieren zu können.

By Ewell

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