WoW Classic: Classes at a glance - this is the selection
More than a decade has passed since the first release of World of Warcraft. A lot has happened in Azeroth since then. Those who now return to the relaunched Classic will have to adjust accordingly. We show which classes are available.
Nine classes, two special cases included: WoW Classic keeps it short and sweet.
The wheel of time has turned backwards in World of Warcraft. Eine Übersicht zu den Klassen bietet sich da an.WoW Classic: Diese Klassen gibt es
In WoW Classic gab und gibt es insgesamt neun Klassen. Allerdings sind nicht alle Klassen für beide Fraktionen verfügbar.- Krieger
- Priester
- Jäger
- Hexenmeister
- Schurke
- Druide
- Magier
- Paladin (nur Allianz)
- Schamane (nur Horde)