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Excel: Add - with this function it works

If you want to add two cells, you can do the calculation using a "+". However, Excel also provides a special function that lets you add together not only two cells, but also entire columns and rows. You can have the result written in an empty cell.

How to add in Excel

In Excel, you can add the contents of two cells together by including the labels with "+" in a formula. This can be, for example, "=A1+A2". However, if you do not want to connect all cells individually with "+", the application provides you with a special function.
  1. If you want to add all cells in a column together, you can use the "SUM ()" function.
  2. To do this, select an empty cell and enter "=SUM ()". As argument you can enter the first cell, for example A1 and the last cell A14. Connect these cells with a ":". With the function "=SUM(A1:A14)" you add all the contents of the cells A1, A2 and so on up to A14.
  3. In addition, Excel offers you the AUTOSUM function. To do this, select an empty cell next to or below the contents that you want to add. Then go to the "Edit" section at the top of the "Start" tab. Here you will see the "AutoSum" option with a sum sign. Click on the button to have the SUM function created automatically.

By Worden Stepleton

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