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Excel: Add or remove decimal places - this is how it works

Decimal values are usually needed only up to a certain place. In Excel, you can easily make the adjustment yourself. Read how to add or remove decimal places.

After the decimal point, the music plays: decimal places can be set individually in Excel.

Excel's almost infinite functions also include the editing of decimal numbers.

Excel: Decimal places arbitrarily adjustable

Proceed as follows:
  1. Mark the cell with the decimal number.
  2. At the top of the ribbon in the "Start" tab, you will see the "Number" area. There you have the options "Add decimal" and "Delete decimal". Click the desired option.
Thereupon Excel follows your command and extends or truncates the decimal number. This is done automatically rounded. For example, if you click on "Delete decimal place" for the value "1.782", "1.78" will remain. If you apply the option another time to remove the next decimal, you will get "1.8" because of the automatic rounding up.Changing the decimals also works for multiple cells at once by selecting them before applying the option.

By Quincey

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