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Witcher 3 Places of Power - How to strengthen your character's abilities

In The Witcher 3 game you can visit so-called "Places of Power", through which your character can strengthen his Witcher abilities and gain skill points. At each of these places you'll find a menhir that has been hollowed out at the top. In the opening you can see the respective Witcher sign.

Where can you find the Places of Power and what bonuses can you get?

In total, you can visit 23 different Places of Power. Depending on the character, you can boost "Aard", "Igni", "Yrden" "Quen" or "Axii" for 30 minutes. This proves especially useful when you are facing a difficult battle. Since the monsters in Witcher 3 are particularly vulnerable to certain characters, this allows you to prepare specifically for battles.In addition, you'll receive a skill point, which is particularly worthwhile, since you can otherwise only get them by leveling up.

Finding Order of Power

Locations of Power are distributed in the areas of Velen, Skellige, White Garden and Kaer Morhen.For example, in Velen and White Garden you will find 13 of the total 23 Places of Power:Velen:
  • Im Südosten des Dorfes Alness
  • Östlich der alten Eiche
  • Nordöstlich von Novigrad
  • Südlich des Dorfes Frischlow
  • Reisepunkt Lornuk
  • Nordwestlich von Niederwirr
  • Während der Quest „Wanderung im Dunkeln“ in den Ruinen
  • Im Südwesten des verlassenen Dorfes
  • Östlich des verlassenen Dorfes
  • Im Friedhof von Weißgarten
  • Nördlich des Friedhofs
  • Östlich des Wegs zwischen der Sägemühle und der nilfgaardischen Garnison
  • Nordöstlich des Reisepunktes Kicherbrücke

By Prakash Barrete

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