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Telegram unknown contacts: How to proceed

Telegram is now one of the most popular messengers and for good reason: it is free, easy to use and advertises a high level of privacy. However, it happens time and again that you receive messages from unknown contacts on Telegram. What it has to do with it, we reveal here.

Why unknown contacts appear on Telegram

Compared to WhatsApp, Telegram scores with a supposedly higher level of data protection. So how can it be that you still receive messages from strange contacts?
  • A simple reason for an unexpected message from a strange contact is that he mistyped the phone number and accidentally entered your number. In addition, it may be that your phone number has been in use before and therefore you receive messages from strangers on Telegram.
  • If you find many unknown contacts in your Telegram contact list, this is usually due to contact synchronization. This allows even long-forgotten contacts on your smartphone's phonebook to be synced with Telegram.

How to block contacts you don't know

To block unknown contacts on Telegram, follow these steps:
  1. Open the app and look for the "Privacy and security" option in the settings.
  2. Dort wählen Sie „blockierte Nutzer“ und klicken auf „Nutzer blockieren“.
  3. Alternativ rufen Sie die Kontaktliste auf und blockieren den entsprechenden Kontakt.

By Ginsburg Berteotti

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