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Apple TV: Browser - these applications are available

If you have opted for an Apple TV, then you can stream purchased movies and series on your TV via this. However, you won't find a browser on the box. Safari is not on the Apple TV by default, nor are other browsers.

These browsers are available for the Apple TV

When setting up the Apple TV, you quickly notice that the Safari browser is not present by default. This browser cannot be used on the device. However, you have another option to use a browser on the Apple TV.
  1. On the App Store, there are only apps that Apple has intended for the Apple TV.
  2. The Safari browser cannot be subsequently downloaded and installed via the Store.
  3. Also other browsers, such as Firefox, cannot be found in the App Store, as these are also not intended by Apple for the device.
  4. If you still urgently want to have a browser on the Apple TV, you can download the "tvOSBrowser". However, this is not available in the App Store and must be downloaded via another site and then transferred to the Apple TV.
  5. Be aware that there are good reasons why no browser is provided. In addition, you can always cause damage if you install software that is not provided.

By Renato Deroest

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