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Delete Check24 account: This is necessary

On Check24, you can quickly and easily obtain comparisons for any insurance or policy and thus get the best deal for yourself. If you no longer need your account with the portal, you are also welcome to delete it. This will help you avoid unwanted conclusions or bookings.

Check24: How to delete your account completely

Check24 allows you to delete your account quickly and easily. To do this, you only need to confirm the removal in your account.
  1. Switch to Check24 and log in to your account.
  2. Now click on "My Account" in the top right corner and select the option of the same name from the menu that pops up.
  3. In the customer area of Check24, now scroll down until you get to the "Change personal data" area and click the area.
  4. Now you will find the area "My access data" and can click on "Remove customer account" to request the deletion.
  5. Now confirm the check mark in the security question and click on the button "Remove".

Delete Check24 account: You must note

  1. By deleting your account, not automatically expire concluded contracts.
  2. In addition, all stored data for the account will be permanently deleted. Achten Sie vorher also darauf, alle wichtigen Unterlagen heruntergeladen zu haben.
  3. Das Löschen Ihres Kontos macht Sie nicht straffrei. Durch Missachtung von Fristen bei Verträgen und Abschlüssen können Sie auch weiterhin belangt werden.

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