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MacOS: WinRAR on the Mac? You can!

WinRAR is an important program for everyday computer use. Through WinRAR, you can merge files and directories into compressed directories. This not only saves you valuable disk space, but also makes sending files easier. On the Mac, however, there is no user interface for the program.

MacOS: Use WinRAR on the Mac - here's how it works

First, you need WinRAR on your computer. To do this, navigate to this website and download the tool for "other operating systems".
  1. Once you have completed the download, you will find the folder "rar" in your download area.
  2. Open it and mark the files "default.sfx", "rar", "rarfiles.lst" and "unrar" and copy them to the clipboard.
  3. Now click on "Go to" at the top of the window and further on "Go to folder".
  4. Enter the path [/usr/local/bin] into the text field and confirm by "Open".
  5. Now paste the files you previously copied to the clipboard.

MacOS: WinRAR on Mac - how to unpack files

  1. Now you can use the Spotlight search to open the terminal and enter as command [rar-?] ein.
  2. Sie sehen nun eine Liste aller möglichen Befehle.
  3. Um eine Datei zu entpacken, nutzen Sie den Befehl [unrar x name_der_datei.rar].
  4. Tauschen Sie den Namen der Datei entsprechend aus und bestätigen Sie.

By Epps Throne

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