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Leviathans in Subnautica - these species exist

Leviathans, like all animals in Subnautica, belong to the fauna category and are among the most dangerous creatures in the game. There are a total of six different species of leviathans, which can be found in several biomes.

Leviathans: this role plays the sea emperor in Subnautica

Total there are six different leviathans, respectively relatives of leviathans, which are differently dangerous. The largest species in Subnautica is the Sea Emperor. Unlike the other leviathans, it behaves passively towards the player and does not attack him. The Sea Emperor also plays a significant role in the Subnautica story, as it provides information to the player.

These other Leviathans exist in Subnautica

In addition to the Sea Emperor, there are five other Leviathans that you will encounter throughout the game. The Reaper Leviathan is the fourth largest life form in Subnautica, measuring 55 meters in length and capable of killing with just two bites. The Reaper Leviathan can be found in the Crash Zone, Dunes, Mountains, and Void biomes.
  1. In the Inactive Lava Zone and Lava Lakes biomes, you can find the Sea Dragon, which is the second largest creature in Subnautica at 112 meters. The sea dragon also behaves extremely aggressively and attacks the player with different types of attacks.
  2. There are a total of six of the Phantom Leviathans in the game. Die Phantome ähneln einer Schlange, sind leicht durchsichtig und sehr wendig.
  3. Zu den weniger gefährlichen Leviathanen gehören der Seewanderer und der Riffrücken. Während der Seewanderer dem Spieler durch Stechen mit dem Rüssel Schaden zufügen kann, verhält sich der Riffrücken passiv und greift den Spieler nicht an.

By Theodosia

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