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Trello: Swimlanes - how to use them

With Trello, you can better manage tasks in a team and keep track of your projects. This gives you the opportunity to work more effectively and efficiently and you always have your deadlines and tasks in view. In doing so, Trello is based on the Kanban principle and can be used accordingly.

How to use swimlanes in Trello

In Trello, you can arrange your lists in horizontal swimlanes. This proves the software to be an exceedingly handy tool to help you better organize your lists and the items within them. However, the basic version of Trello does not include this option. But the option of Swimlanes can be added via a browser extension, whereupon this allows you to work extensively.
  1. To do this, first search for the extension for "Swimlanes for Trello" in the webstore of your browser.
  2. After that, an overview with the possible extensions opens. Click there on the appropriate.
  3. Now select "Add".
  4. Thereupon follow the instructions that appear on your screen to integrate the extension into your program.
  5. If you then want to start a new Swimlane in Trello, then simply add the "I". Another option is the swim emoji, which you can find in the header of your list. Beschriftet wird die Swimlane dabei mit dem Text, der auf den Schwimmer oder das ā€žIā€œ folgt.

By Scever Zerphey

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