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Deleting a Trello account - here's how to do it

If you no longer need your account with Trello, it is easily possible to delete it. However, in order for deletion to be possible, it is necessary for you to log in to your account beforehand.

These features Trello offers you

Trello is an online service that helps you manage your personal and professional projects. Trello offers you the possibility to create so-called boards, which contain lists with tasks. These can be edited by all members of a board and help you to simplify collaboration with others. To use Trello, you need an account, which you can set up for free directly on the website of the online tool.

How to delete your account with Trello

If you no longer use Trello, you can delete the free account in just a few steps. To do so, please first visit the Trello website at trello.com and click on "Sign in" in the upper right corner. Then log in to your Trello account by entering your email address and the corresponding password and click on the "Sign in" button.
  1. In your account, click on your username afterwards and select the "Settings" option.
  2. Suchen Sie in den Kontoeinstellungen nach dem Eintrag „Permanently delete your entire account forever“ und klicken Sie auf diesen.
  3. Um die Löschung Ihres Trello-Accounts zu bestätigen, wählen Sie anschließend entweder „Send the Email“ oder „Never mind“ aus. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur bei Auswahl der Option „Send the Email“ eine Bestätigung der Kontolöschung per E-Mail erhalten.

By Abrahams Lowen

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