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Deleting your Facebook page - how to remove your account

Facebook is one of the first and most popular social media platforms. Nowadays, however, young people tend to prefer Instagram and Snapchat. For this reason and because of some data scandals, more and more people are logging off Facebook. Deleting your own page is relatively quick.

How to delete your Facebook page

If you want to delete a page on Facebook, it only works with the profile you used to create the page back then. Since the interface in Facebook has been revised, the procedure has been changed. So you can reach all the settings via the ribbon on the left side.
  1. Click on the left side in the menu on the item "Pages".
  2. Select the page you want to delete and select "Page Settings".
  3. Here you click on "General" and then "Remove page".
  4. Confirm the deletion of the page.
  5. After that, it takes 14 days to permanently delete the page. During this time you have the option to cancel the deletion.
  6. You can also delete the page via the Facebook app. To do this, open the corresponding page in the app and tap on the top right on the three small dots.
  7. In the menu that now opens, go further to "Edit" > "Settings" > "General".
  8. Here you will find the item "Remove page". Tippen Sie zum Abschluss auf „<Seitenname> dauerhaft löschen“.
  9. Nachdem Sie den Vorgang mit „Seite löschen“ noch einmal bestätigt haben, wird die Seite komplett entfernt.

By Mercorr Lambermont

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