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Deleting your Instagram account: how to remove it

If you no longer use your Instagram account, it is advisable to delete the account completely. In this way, you will avoid that other people continue to assume that they can contact you through this medium. Also, this way you remove all the data you have provided through Instagram.

Delete Instagram account - this is how to do it

Prior to this, you need to decide whether you only want to deactivate your account or delete it completely. With a deactivated account, all pictures remain online, but can no longer be accessed by other people.
  1. To permanently delete your account, first follow this link.
  2. Now you need to log in to your account and then give a reason for deleting your account.
  3. In order for your account to be deleted, you need to enter your password again for verification.
  4. By clicking on the "Delete my account permanently" button, your account will be deleted from Instagram.
  5. You can now create a new account with the same email address if necessary.

Delete Instagram account: How to deactivate

  1. To do this, also log in to Instagram, click on your profile in the top right corner and then select "Edit profile".
  2. Unten rechts gibt es die Option „Mein Konto vorläufig deaktivieren“.
  3. Bestätigen Sie zum Abschluss erneut Ihr Passwort.
  4. Sie werden nun aus Instagram ausgeloggt und das Konto bleibt bis zum nächsten Login deaktiviert.

By Jehial

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