Football Manager 2020 on Google Stadia: The pros and cons
Football Manager 2020 is among the main games available on Google Stadia as well. However, there are some clear advantages and disadvantages to consider. We give you an overview.
Cloud or local? FM 2020 on Stadia is not least a question of preference.
The strengths of cloud gaming are well known, but for some games the disadvantages should not be underestimated. Football Manager 2020 also belongs to this category.Football Manager 2020 on Stadia: Performance vs. Customization
First of all, the clear advantage of Stadia:- We have explained in more detail here that the computing power is definitely important for Football Manager 2020. Consequently, Stadia's strength is obvious: you can choose many playable leagues (see database tips) and still get good performance.
- The Football Manager series traditionally lives from the active community, which provides free skins, tactics, jersey packs and much more. This is not possible with Stadia, as you do not have access to the game's installation folders to add new files.