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RimWorld: How to get building parts & why they are so important

In RimWorld, the requirements for building new objects are constantly increasing. Relatively soon after starting, you'll need building parts, and our guide explains the ways you can get them.

Building for professionals: use building parts to create high-level items in RimWorld.

You'll need building parts for things like advanced power generation, powerful weapons and more. These don't come in rough masses, but are still available early on.

RimWorld: Components available in a variety of ways

Later in the game, you'll be able to craft components yourself. However, it is a long way until then. Nevertheless, you can get the valuable parts early:
  • Control all mineable deposits on the map. Namely, "Compressed Components" can be found there.
  • Talk to all the merchants that move across your map. You may be able to buy components from them.
  • Occasionally supply capsules land in the area, also parts of crashed spaceships sometimes appear. Investigate the finds, as there may be components contained.
To be able to produce components themselves, you must unlock the manufacturing in the research tree. To do this, you also need a high-tech research table and the appropriate workbench. Then you can produce components from steel chunks.

By Buffo Gavalas

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