WoW: How to succeed with the people change and how much it costs
If you are no longer happy with your choice of people in World of Warcraft, you can make a change. Our guide explains how to do it, how much it costs and what conditions should be observed.
Hopefully well thought out: changing your people costs money and should therefore not be done lightly.
The people change belongs to the long list of services that you can take advantage of in World of Warcraft.WoW: All info on the people change
The people change is also not a free service:- The cost is 25 euros.
- You must apply for and perform the procedure in the game. There you open the in-game store and find the people change under the services.
- The people change takes place within the faction, as the faction change is a separate service.
- Since your class remains, the newly chosen people must be compatible with the current class.