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Windows: Hide folders - how it works

Don't want other people to find certain folders on your system? Hide the files! Windows has basic features for this, but they are easy to bypass. Better use special software.

Hide files with Windows

The operating system provides an option to hide files, which you use as follows.
  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to hide.
  2. Right-click on your selection and then tap "Properties".
  3. In the new window, switch to the "General" tab and navigate to the "Attributes" section.
  4. There you select the Hidden option and finally confirm the change by clicking "OK" .
  5. To make the folder visible again, enable the option "Show hidden files, folders and drives" in your control panel.
  6. The problem with this method is that anyone who knows how to show hidden files will track down the folder.

Spezielle Software verwenden

  1. Gehen Sie auf Nummer sicher: Setzen Sie das kostenlose Programm „Wise Folder Hider“ ein, machen Sie Ordner nur durch die Eingabe eines Passworts wieder sichtbar.
  2. Sobald das Programm installiert ist, ziehen Sie einen Ordner in das Fenster und legen mit dem Button „Ordner verstecken“ ein unsichtbares, passwortgeschütztes Versteck an.

By LeDoux

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