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"Unidentified network" on Windows 10

The error message "Unidentified network" is displayed on Windows 10 - then the Internet is gone for now. Wrong settings or a misconfiguration can be responsible for this. But usually there is an error in the DHCP settings.

What to do if "Unidentified network" is displayed?

The error message can have different causes. Generally, Windows wants to tell you that the network is no longer recognized.
  1. Check the physical connection, i.e. the Ethernet cable. If this is damaged, you should replace it and use a new cable. Also a loose contact at the ends can cause the error.
  2. Also a restart of the computer as well as the router can help.
  3. Possibly there is also an error with the DNS server. DNS stands for "Domain Name System" and translates your browser request into an IP address. Enter the commands "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew" in the command prompt.
  4. It may also be that there is a DHCP error. DHCP stands for "Domain Host Configuration Protocol" and is responsible for automatically configuring the network side of a PC. Make sure that DHCP is enabled on your router.
  5. Update all drivers in your network, so those of your router and your PC. Eventuell sind auch andere Hardware-Komponenten betroffen und müssen ausgetauscht werden. Am besten testen Sie das Netzwerk mit einem anderen Computer, um diesen Missstand auszuschließen.

By Regazzi

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