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Chromecast jerks - what helps against it?

Thanks to the Chromecast, any TV with HDMI input can be converted into a Smart TV. Chromecast thereby receives content broadcast from your smartphone, tablet or PC. However, it can happen that Chromecast jerks.

Possible causes for Chromecast problems

If your Chromecast starts to jerk, this can have several causes. Often, it's due to a slow internet connection. Every image that the Chromecast displays on the TV has to be transmitted over the internet. If the connection is very slow, then the transfer will also only work to a limited extent and with a greater time delay.So do some research into the cause of your slow connection to the Internet. For example, it could be that your location simply does not allow faster Internet. But also disturbances are conceivable. These depend on your provider and should be solved automatically with a little patience and asking. In addition, check your router and see if possibly too many devices load the network.

How can you fix the jerking of the Chromecast?

If you have problems with your Chromecast, go through the following steps:
  1. Look if several devices in your household actively load the Internet. This includes all downloads. Even temporary downloads like streaming videos are included. Darunter fallen YouTube, Netflix oder andere Dienste.
  2. Rufen Sie bei Ihrem Netzanbieter an. Womöglich gibt es eine Störfrequenz, die dafür sorgt, dass Sie nicht die volle Bandbreite bekommen.
  3. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Router und starten Sie ihn gegebenenfalls neu.
  4. Auch Ihren Chromecast sollten Sie einmal komplett aus- und wieder einschalten.
  5. In der App Google Home haben Sie in den Einstellungen über das Drei-Punkte-Menü die Option, den Chromecast auf Werkeinstellungen zurückzusetzen.

By Rubi Cikauskas

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