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iPhone X: DFU - how to use the maintenance mode correctly

To make changes to the operating system of the device on the iPhone X, you must put it into DFU mode. In this case, the boot process is interrupted and access to the system is possible. Read how you need to proceed to put the iPhone X in maintenance mode.

iPhone X: DFU mode is needed for this

DFU is the abbreviation for "Device Firmware Update" and is also called maintenance mode. Used the DFU mode thereby mainly to make deeper interventions on the iPhone X. If you want to reinstall the iOS version on the iPhone X, restore the device completely or perform a jailbreak, you have to put it into maintenance mode beforehand. But before you do that, make sure to back up your iPhone X to prevent losing important data.

How to put your iPhone X into DFU mode

To put your iPhone X into DFU mode, first turn off the device and connect it to your PC using a USB cable. Also, make sure the latest version of iTunes is installed on the computer and open the program.
  1. To put the device into maintenance mode afterwards, first press and hold the "Power Button" until the Apple logo appears on the screen.
  2. Drücken Sie danach gleichzeitig für etwa 10 Sekunden auf den „Power-Button“ und die „Leiser-Taste“ des iPhone X, bis sich dessen Bildschirm ausschaltet.
  3. Lassen Sie daraufhin den „Power-Button“ los, aber halten Sie die „Leiser-Taste weiterhin gedrückt, bis Ihnen in iTunes eine Meldung zur Wiederherstellung angezeigt wird.
  4. Sie befinden sich nun im Wartungsmodus und können die „Leiser-Taste“ loslassen.

By Jehovah

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