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Testing your hard disk - this is how it works

If errors occur with your hard disk, it's time to check it once and then repair it if necessary. For this purpose, there are not only various programs, some of them free of charge, but also a fixed tool that is especially usable under Windows.

How to test your hard disk for errors

If you have noticed that something on your hard disk is not working as it should, then it is time to test it for any errors. For this purpose, you can use the free program "CheckDrive", which not only checks, but also repairs. On the other hand, the Windows operating system has its own tool, with which you can go to the bottom of errors.
  1. To do this, first open Explorer by simultaneously holding down the keys of the Windows icon and "E".
  2. Now select the sub-item "This PC" on the left side.
  3. Then go to the desired hard drive that you want to test.
  4. Thereupon click on it with the right mouse button and press the selection "Properties" there.
  5. Nun wechseln Sie oben in den Reiter „Tools“ und klicken auf die Funktion „Prüfen“.
  6. Dort wählen Sie die Option „Laufwerk scannen“ aus, damit die Prüfung beginnen kann.
  7. Dies kann eine gewisse Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, da das Programm jeden gefundenen Fehler direkt behebt.
  8. Können bestimmte Fehler nicht behoben werden, sollten Sie eventuell über einen Austausch Ihrer Festplatte nachdenken, um einen Datenverlust zu umgehen.

By Brawner Riniker

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