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What is HTML5? A comprehensive overview

The HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) programming language lets you create web pages that can then be opened by any browser. The fifth version of the language came out in 2014, after the last version, and offers many new features to help you display your web page correctly.

What you need to know about HTML5

HTML was developed and released in the late 90s. However, the language had many problems to meet all the requirements of the emerging social media platforms. For this reason, it was decided to revise HTML and release HTML5. Some changes were made in the process.
  1. Structured Elements: These are overall elements that make it easier for search engines to crawl web pages for information. These elements include sections, nav, article and header.
  2. Multimedia content: A lot of attention has been paid to making multimedia content, such as sound recordings and videos, easier to include in a web page.
  3. Interactive elements: Expandable elements and context menus are now also easier to include in a web page.
  4. Furthermore, there are now form elements that allow you to display direct responses from a web page. Zum Beispiel können Sie so eine Progress-Bar oder eine Suchvorschlagsliste anzeigen.
  5. Neben diesen gibt es noch viele weitere Vorteile von HTML5. Beispielweise lässt sich der Code übersichtlicher und strukturierter aufbauen. Dadurch ist er weniger anfällig für Fehler.

By Modeste Billops

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