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Satisfactory: Assign hotkeys - how it works

For faster access, the hotkey bar is available for the number keys. Our guide explains how you can assign the keys and what restrictions there are.

At the touch of a button: hotkeys make your construction projects a bit more efficient.

Some objects you have to build particularly often, for example assembly lines or foundations. Here, hotkeys make life easier.

Satisfactory: Hotkeys can only be assigned with construction objects

You can freely assign the hotkey bar for the numbers 1 to 0 - but only with construction objects. This works as follows:
  1. Open the construction menu with "Q".
  2. Place the mouse pointer over the desired construction object.
  3. Press the number with which you want to assign the object via hotkey.
The construction object is then assigned, as you can see directly in the bar. Not possible in this way consumption objects such as food or equipment such as jetpack or gas mask, even if the community fervently wishes for this. Since Satisfactory is still in Early Access, there is at least hope for the future.

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