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Tolino doesn't charge - these are the options you have

Having chosen a Tolino e-book reader, you have many features at your disposal to make reading easier. But what to do when the Tolino's battery stops charging?

What you can do if your Tolino no longer charges

If you have the problem that your Tolino no longer charges, you should first test the following steps:
  1. First check whether the cable and power adapter with which you want to charge the Tolino are still working properly.
  2. Charge the Reader via the PC, try a better power source, as it may be that the Reader receives too little power via the computer.
  3. If this also does not work, change the outlet and the cable for safety.
  4. If it is the display, you should wait 30 minutes and then try to restart the Reader.
  5. If this is not possible, force a restart of the device.

How to force a restart

For most problems with the Tolino, a restart can help:
  • At the connector for the USB cable is a small button. Press this with a thin, pointed object. Hold the button down until the Reader restarts itself.
  • If you are using a Tolino epos or shine, press and hold the power button for about ten seconds instead until the device restarts.
  • If this does not help either, reset your Tolino,
If this does not help either, first contact the support of the retailer from whom you purchased the Reader. If the defect cannot be fixed, you will have to exchange the Tolino or replace the battery.

By Holcman Apel

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