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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: Best weapon in the game

In the latest Black Ops part of the Call of Duty series, thousands of players are once again engaged in fierce online battles. Which weapon is the strongest, can not be said directly, because each player has his own play style and accordingly can handle a particular weapon best.

Which weapon is the best in COD Black Ops 3?

In order to answer the question about the best weapon, you first need to answer the question about your playstyle. Do you play offensively or defensively? Are you more of a front line fighter or a support player. Which game mode do you play the most?
  1. On smaller maps it is recommended to carry weapons with a high rate of fire like MPs. On larger maps, you should rather go for assault rifles, as they do the most damage at medium range.
  2. Before you commit to a weapon, you should have tried them all once, so you can be completely sure that this weapon suits you best.
  3. For beginners, the Kuda is suitable. This weapon has completely balanced stats, but is unbeatable in one-on-one due to its all-round abilities.
  4. For an assault rifle, you should use the Man-O-War with a rapid fire attachment. This powerful assault rifle does the most damage at medium to long range. Mit dem Schnellfeueraufsatz gleichen Sie die schlechte Feuerrate aus.
Generell gibt es keine beste Waffe, da jede Map und jedes Spiel unterschiedlich sind. Nutzen Sie einfach diejenige Waffe, mit der Sie am besten zurande kommen.

By Norah Scotty

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