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"Ok, Google": navigation - how to find the right way

With the words "OK, Google" you can ask the Google Assistant virtually anything. Most users want to know what the weather is going to be like or just call someone. However, you also have the option of letting the assistant navigate you. To do this, simply speak your destination.

How "Ok, Google" helps you navigate

With "Ok, Google" you can use Google Home on the Google Home device as well as on your smartphone. To navigate smoothly, you should have the Google app and Google Maps installed.
  1. Search for the Google Maps app in the Google Play Store. Download this app and install it.
  2. Now if you want to be navigated, start the app and say "Ok, Google" or tap on the small microphone icon.
  3. Now you can perform various other commands.
  4. With "Mute" you turn off the voice indications.
  5. Say "Navigate home", you can be navigated directly to your house. Of course, this also works with other locations.
  6. If you install the Google app, you can also have other questions answered, for example, "Who was Albert Einstein?". So können Sie Navigation und Suchanfrage auch mischen, beispielsweise mit „Wo ist das nächste Albert-Einstein-Museum“ oder „Navigiere mich zum Museum“.
  7. Natürlich können Sie auch ganz normale Sprachanrufe tätigen, wie etwa „Mama anrufen“ oder „SMS an … senden.“

By Slaughter

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